Saturday, August 19, 2006

Amy's Take on the Short Fiction Hugo Nominees :: SHORT STORIES

I was underwhelmed by the Hugo Award short story nominees. I find it difficult to believe that these short stories were the best 2005 had to offer.

“Tk'tk'tk” by David D. Levine was the only story I thought was good. It had interesting aliens, a distinct feeling of “we're not in Kansas anymore”, and a decent ending. I felt for the out of place salesman.

“Down Memory Lane” by Mike Resnick was readable, but it lacked punch. The examples of Alzheimer ’s seemed too much like generalizations. I wouldn’t like to see Resnick to win another award on this, so I'm pushing this way down.

“Singing my Sister Down” by Margo Lanagan was downright weird. Why write a story about this odd form of execution? The plot goes nowhere. But it was decently written.

“The Clockwork Atom Bomb” by Dominic Green had a different setting and interesting parts, but I didn't like the storytelling or writing style. I lost track several times and had to reread parts. This story was a chore for me to read.

“Seventy-Five Years” by Michael A. Burstein perhaps touches on an issue of future discrimination for clones, but I'm not a fan of how Burstein chooses to tell his stories. The Senator’s ex-wife is the only person who questions the Senator’s Census bill, so Burstein can have the Senator lovingly squeeze his ex-wife’s hand in the end. Bah!

Amy's Ballot:
1. David D. Levine – Tk’tk’tk
2. Margo Lanagan – Singing My Sister Down
3. Dominic Green – The Clockwork Atom Bomb
4. Michael A. Burstein – Seventy-Five Years
5. Mike Resnick – Down Memory Lane

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